Need a boost? Here’s a recipe for Healthy Sugar-Free Oat and Banana Biscuits

By Katerina Qabaha

After a few requests, I am sharing my go-to recipe for no sugar banana and oat biscuits. They are full of nutritious ingredients with no…

Could your diet be making your period irregular?

By Nafisa Bakkar

How much do you know about your menstrual cycle? Did you know that a change in the colour of your menstrual blood can signify a…

A woman’s Right to Orgasm: Feminism in the bedroom & sexual liberation through Islam not despite it

By Wardah Abbas

The misogynistic professor “You can tell a Muslim feminist from the way she has sex with her man,” said one of my university professors in…

“I don’t want to break stereotypes” The insurmountable pressure faced by Muslim women

By Selina Bakkar

Representation has come a long way, but I wonder if we took a wrong turn on the way. Often when I see campaigns or features and…

Meet the three women in the new Afrohijabi campaign with Nike

By Selina Bakkar

Afrohijabi was started by Rikki and Rhianna in 2017   “We chose the hashtag ‘Afrohijabi’ for the same reasons black people refer to themselves as Afro-Caribbean,…

This artist is “helping women reclaim their bodies”: In conversation with Bukola Thompson

By Amaliah Team

All over social media, we see Muslim women creating space for their own narratives, be it through their words, their photography or their art. In…

Project Ribcage: The Series Working to Elevate the Self-Image of Muslim Women

By Amaliah Team

Project Ribcage is a video series to elevate the self-image of Muslim women. It was set up by Saffana, Fatima and Faizah, with the intention…

BOY/BYE : Celebrating Unapologetic Individual Identity

By Israa Abid

BOY/BYE is a collaboration between Sara Alfageeh, and Abbas Rattani founder of MIPSTERZ, a crossover of ‘Fashion and Activism’, designed to celebrate diversity and individual identity.…

“My child is the light of my life, but she isn’t my life.”: Motherhood does not mean losing autonomy over your identity just upgrading it

By Safa Brown

There are some women, who in childhood and adulthood fantasized about their future spouse, perfect wedding including dream dress and future children. I was not…


Watch: Women of Oxford ‘the transformation of my identity’

By Amaliah Team

Meet the women of Oxford who relay their individual experiences about how their internal transformation changed their perception of their surroundings, having a transformative impact…

How Muslim Women Can Look Back To Islamic history to become the best version of their contemporary Selves

By Wardah Abbas

I will always remember the first time I genuinely felt pleased with my great heritage as a Muslim woman. It was upon reading the seerah…

18 Sunnah healing and wellness accounts by Muslim women to follow

By Ashiya Mendheria

Muslim women are killing it in the health and wellness industry, online and offline, mashaAllah. They are offering beneficial advice, products, courses, and sessions on…

6 Recommended reads written by Muslim women

By Ilham Essalih

The year 2018 was a good year of publishing for Muslim women, and 2019 promises to be even better. A few days ago it was…

“You must be Layla” a book by Yassmin Abdel-Magied

By Amaliah Team

Our fav gal Yassmin Abdel-Magied has done it again, she is about to publish her second book to date,  and this one is for a…

“Don’t come to the mosque because you are a fitnah for the men” – A Response

By Hiba Noor Khan

“Scantily clad women everywhere these days, it’s impossible to control ourselves” “Don’t come to the mosque because you are a fitnah for the men” “The…


The Palestinian Muslim & Christian minority community living in Chile, South America

By Amaliah Team

  In this piece, we’ve uncovered a Palestinian Christian and Muslim minority community living in Chile, South America, the second largest and oldest Palestinian community…

The Ordinary Caffeine Solution for puffy eyes & dark circles

By Black Gal and Skin Care

Hello hello, beautiful people, I am back, and I have another Ordinary product that I am going to be reviewing. I have completely fallen in…


Watch: The Strikes On My Identity: Black, Female and Muslim

By Hafeezat Bishi

Assalamu ‘alaikum, my name is Hafeezat Bishi and I am a Black, female Muslim. Black females Muslims are real, we exist, and we are often…

Is there a right age to teach children about LGBTQ+ equality?

By Amaliah Anonymous

On Friday the 1st of March about 600 Muslim children from the ages of 4-11 years old were withdrawn from Parkfield community school, by parents…

“How will you find a husband as an ambitious Muslim woman?”

By Nafisa Bakkar

How will you find a husband if you’re so ambitious? Those that know me well would probably say I’m quite “vocal” in expressing my views.…

Are you about that neon vibe?

By Zara Azam

When I think of neon, I instantly think of a pack of highlighters. For some people, this trend proves to be a little nostalgic with…

Planning on travelling to Palestine? Here are 9 security processes to expect

By Majida Begum

Recently, I travelled through Ben Gurion International airport in Tel Aviv as there are no airports under Palestinian authority and anyone wishing to get into…

Have You Been Blinded by Mr. Faith?

By Barfi

Recently my dad has turned up the pressure in my household about getting me married, around the same time “Mr Faith” decided to walk into…

Watch: Project Ribcage × The Brown Hijabi

By Project Ribcage

Project Ribcage is a video series designed to elevate the self-image of Muslim women. It was set up by Saffana, Fatima, and Faizah, with the…

Decathlon pulls sports hijab off shelves in France after receiving over 500 complaints from customers and politicians

By Amaliah Team

  Retailer Decathlon in France has issued a statement on pulling a recently announced sports hijab off shelves this week. The french retailer announced the new…

Hat trick: 8 Ways to Style a Hat & Hijab

By Curated Cuts

This season we have been inundated with fantastic hat styles, one of the key trends that have spilled out onto the catwalk this Autumn Winter, is…

The Self Actualisers- and Occupying the 2nd and 3rd generation immigrant space

By Mariam Malik

The other day during a catch-up with a friend, I mentioned another friend who I’m due to go away with soon. The friend I was…

Your stories deserve to be told – If not for you, for the 10-year-old muslim girls

By Sara Alfageeh

Storytelling is everywhere and in everything, down to the most basic interactions people have. They help us understand ourselves, our values as individuals, as well…

How to cope with Hyperemesis: Excessive morning sickness

By Samihah Nazneen

When I found out I was pregnant, I was overjoyed. I’d always dreamed of being a mother and having a little cute girl who would…

An Open Letter: Dear sis, It is never too late to pull out of your Wedding day

By Amaliah Anonymous

Dear Sis, I know things seem scary right now, I know it seems like it is too late, I know you may feel like you…

We all need a little lunch inspo packed with protein

By Zahrah Vawda

Herbs. Spice. Everything nice. You cannot go wrong with this flavourful, flexible meal. It’s full of good-for-you beans, any leftover veggies that are starting to…

5 Negative Thought patterns holding you back

By Soulful Seeds Blog

The original list featured in Dr. Burns The Feeling Good Handbook, which itself was derived from the book Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond by J.…

Change the world – One top at a time #Imademyclothes

By Atia

A Handmade Revolution: A personal reflection on responsible fashion We all need clothes, and we all use our clothes to express something about ourselves. But…

6 tips to fix broken bonds of kinship

By Sisters Magazine

Islam recognises the ties of kinship in a way that is unparalleled in other religions; it enjoins Muslims to uphold the ties of kinship and…

Social Media

Social Media: Independence or Addiction?

By Inspirited Minds

                                          Ping! Ping! Ok how…

When She Doesn’t Say Salam Back: The True Virtues of Saying Salam

By Sunday Circles

Whenever we see a fellow Muslim, whether we know her or not, we automatically say “Assalamualaikum”. It’s a simple but profound greeting of Peace that defines…