Catch up this week on the Amaliah Podcasts
Believe it or not, the first podcast we ever recorded never made the cut, in fact about three have never seen the light of day.…
Five ways to gain new skills in your career
It is true what they say, learning doesn’t end the moment you leave school. In fact, I found the opposite to be true. We are…
“Exercise Saved me”: My Mental Health Journey
I have suffered from mental health issues for as long as I can remember. Even in primary school, I just found life too overwhelming. What…
Life after Death: What Healed the Loss of my Father
Bismillah. Writing this I feel internally conflicted. Do I really want to share what was some of the most difficult months for me? The time…
Muslim Men, Mental health, and the pressure of expected masculinity
As I was scrolling through Twitter on the weekend, I came across the tragic news of a suicide in the Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah. The…
Open the doors of healing: Healthy healing after an abusive relationship
Whether it is coercion, control, physical violence or verbal abuse, we can all comprehend the plight of the survivor and their need for advice; their…
There’s No Shame In Seeking Help For Your Mental Health
As someone who has always struggled with anxiety, but has only recently accepted it for what it is – it took a long time for…
The Forgotten Sunnah we all need to practise in a fast paced world
To say I had a poor Ramadan would be an understatement. A combination of sleep deprivation, dehydration, stress, stretched workloads whilst feebly attempting to rekindle…
To The Non-White Potential Oxbridge Applicants
note: – the term BME used in this article is based on UK terminology to refer to members of non-white British communities (who this article…
Hijabs, Prayer and Alcohol; Islam In the Corporate World
I’m a Black Muslim Woman working in a predominantly white secular corporate environment where being a practicing woman of faith has proved to not come…
How to make an all-natural herbal salve in 4 steps
Make an all-natural herbal salve that can soothe minor grazes, scratches, insect bites and patches of dry skin. Please note that this article does not replace…
Taffakur: Purposeful reflection will lead us to Allah
Allah has given human beings the capability of thinking and reasoning. It is this ability which makes humans different from animals and enables them with…
12 Questions with Rapper Neelam Hakeem: Misogynistic Hip-Hop, modesty, and subverting rap culture
Neelam Hakeem is a Seattle born, multi-talented spoken word poet, former medical claims analyst, mother, rapper, and fierce advocate of women’s rights. The rapper moved…
I believe Black people need their own United Nations
Black people need an international body operating on a global scale that delivers what Malcolm outlined in his basic unity program. Black people need a…
How I empowered myself after being sectioned
In 2010, I was in my late teens and had been sectioned under the mental health act. I had spent 3 months “under observation”, and…
‘Jinn’ The movie- An Ode to the Black Muslim Woman in Film
Adama Munu touches on how trailblazing Nijlah Mu’min’s directorial feature film ‘Jinn’ is an ode to the Muslim presence within the ‘Black Renaissance’ in film.…
Tributes for 27-year-old BBC journalist Hanna Yusuf who passed away suddenly
On the 30th of September Hanna Yusuf’s family released a statement which announced the passing of the BBC journalist. Hanna’s passing was sudden and the…
Here’s why some Black Muslims feel uncomfortable with Islamic Societies at University
It wasn’t until I was in my final year of university that I noticed an increase in events and discussions being organized, mainly by Somali…
Recommended: Children’s books with diverse representation of Black female characters
We recently spoke to Maryam from the Instagram page Nurturing Nusaybah about the importance of exposing young children to books with black characters. She shared her…
Cardi B at Fashion week shows the double standards Muslim women face for covering up
In the heart of Paris Fashion Week 2019, one floral ensemble worn by the famous Miss Cardi B was turning heads. She was wearing an…
Movita Johnson Harrell becomes First Black Muslim state representative to the city with the highest Muslim population in the USA
On Tuesday the 12th of March the seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives was won by Movita Johnson-Harrel, she won 66 % of the vote.…
This organisation are collecting data on Anti-blackness in the muslim community to address it
Over time many of us have heard accounts of problematic situations and words Black Muslims have been faced with coming from members of the Muslim…
The flawed mother…that is my strength
In recent weeks I have been feeling an air of discomfort, as I share moments of my day to day or publically unpick my feelings…
An introduction to vaginal steaming
Please consult your health professional if you have specific health concerns and see disclaimers below on when NOT to steam* Yoni (Sanskrit for vagina) steaming…
Tray bakes for quick and hearty dinners
I’m always looking for hearty and healthy meals for my family, I don’t always have the time and energy to cook after a long day,…
The 11 things Muslim men should absolutely not include in their dating bio according to this Muslim woman.
We couldn’t help but share these tweets by @shaybna3na3 on what not to include in your dating bio. Finding a partner can be tough, guys…
Reflections on visiting Sudan: A country of love living in fear…
As a British Sudanese, whenever I’m asked where I originate from, I willingly reply, ‘Sudan’. We hold a reputation built on loyalty, honesty and kindness,…
Two simple steps to your hair transformation
With the stresses and commitments of every day life and work, it’s hard to fit in a beauty routine that meets all your needs of…
Sweeping Mental Health issues under the prayer mat…Can our Mosques do more?
A woman tentatively walks into her local mosque, she wants to consult the Imam, she has a newborn baby and is feeling exhausted, overwhelmed,…
The Cost of Conversion: Defining and Illustrating experiences of Islamophobia amongst Female Converts to Islam (FCI)
‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!’ (The Christian Recorder of March 1862, Wikipedia). Equally words can devastate…
How to recognise financial abuse and what can be done about it
I was a victim of domestic violence and abuse myself from 2000-2013, but you could say that it hasn’t really stopped. Even after the divorce,…
Muslimah Dating Diaries: Dear Wealthy Waqas
Dear Wealthy Waqas, I think you thought my pupils dilated when you told me how much you earn annually, I honestly just had something in…
How to nurture confidence and self-assurance in our daughters
Strong Girls. Smart Girls. Rebel Girls. Rule The World Girls. We are living in a moment where every month seems to bring with it a…
Understading my sisters autism in my country
Worrying about children is a bitter-sweet side effect of Parenting (or being a first born in an African household). “What will they grow up to…
Muslims and Mortgages: The lived reality of Muslims
Growing up, I never knew much about interest and its rulings on our finance within the framework of Islam. But in time I saw Islam…
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