Muslim Twitter reacts to Apple TV’s latest show #HalaMovie
This week Apple TV tweeted the trailer to it’s new Apple Original film Hala, a coming of age story of a young Muslim girl. Hala…
Jade Rollers for your skin – myth or legend?
At Amaliah Glo’, we’re trying our best to bust myths and get you the glowing skin you deserve, and so if you haven’t checked out…
Vogue accused of glamourising the work of Counter Terrorism workers
A recent article published by British Vogue was called out for glamourising the work of those working in counter terrorism, the article titled “The Women…
Who does Islamic finance benefit in todays society? The capitalists?
Islamic economy has less to do with halal and haram; it is more about community and responsibility. Capitalism: Risk and Hedges The Islamic finance system,…
What is seed cycling and how can it help your hormone health?
Nature has given us a series of small but mighty seeds that can help promote hormonal balance. Organic, raw pumpkin, flax, sesame and sunflower seeds…
Conquer your clogged pores with this exfoliation routine
One of the most common recommendation requests I get from friends are products that will make your skin brighter, more even and ‘less bumpy’. These…
Dear Boris Johnson…Signed, A Veiled Muslim Woman.
Dear Boris Johnson, I, a Muslim woman, watched the paltry defence of your puerile and vile comments regarding veiled Muslims to Beth Rigby, with the…
Ohio High School Athletic Association rules their actions “wrong” in disqualification of a runner wearing hijab
View this post on Instagram Noor AbuKaram (a cross country athlete) was disqualified from running by the Ohio High School Atheletic Association for wearing a…
EVENT Amaliah × Waterstones: How to get your book published
We’ve seen the revolution of Muslim women getting published and we want to help get more stories out there. We’ve teamed up with Waterstones,…
The Hampstead Kitchen Recipes: Booraniyeh Esfenaj
Welcome to our new series with Saima Khan at The Hampstead Kitchen. Saima has cooked for the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and The…
5 lessons from the story of Hijra that help me towards ‘home’
When the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) introduced Islam to Mecca, his city of origin, he faced an unprecedented wave of backlash. Both he and…
6 things that have helped me raise my young Muslim girls in the West
As a mum of three passionate and fiery girls, it didn’t take long for me to start questioning, how I would raise them to be…
Do you really need an eye cream in your 20s? Here’s what to do instead…
A friend recently reached out to me asking me about whether she should purchase a cult eye-cream that’s been on the circuit since my youtube…
Mindful Futurism: How to make technology work for us rather than against us
“Alexa, what’s convenience culture? In pursuit of a modern frictionless life” “Efficiency is the worship word for Silicon Valley culture” states Jan English-Lueck of San…
Allah’s 99 names: Al-Raqeeb He Who Observes All
Though you do not see Him, know that He sees you… Al-Raqeeb is the One who is All-Observant, but there is more to this…
This Run club is creating space for Muslim women
We spoke to founder of the Asra the run club based in Wimbledon, the club is specifically for Muslim Women. We centred the interview around…
Book recommendations for teenage Muslim girls
Two Teenagers Start a Non-Profit Organisation to Increase Books With Female Muslim Characters in Libraries, we’ve highlighted their work before but this time we asked…
Poetry: Open your hands, let God guide you
Khamasa You spend your days collecting the heaviness of this world unfolding and stitching every ache into the tapestry of your prayer mat In sujood,…
In conversation with Khadeejah B – On starting “The Black Muslim Girl”, self care as ibadah and creating communities
This week we interviewed Khadeejah, founder of the platform TBMG (The Black Muslim Girl platform) which aims to facilitate discussions filled with love, laughter, and…
What Kerbala Taught me about Healthy Masculinity
Growing up, I never questioned that men cried, or needed to cry. It was something that was normal to me. Then, as I grew older…
Understanding and dealing with food cravings – 4 tips
Food cravings can empower you to tune in to your body’s needs, encouraging you to listen and be open. Cravings are often demonised as a…
This book ‘It’s not about the burqa’ featuring 18 Muslim women is combatting the narrative and we are here for it
In Feb 2019 the book titled “It’s Not About the Burqa” will be published, and available for purchase from your local Waterstones. The book which…
Catch up this week on the Amaliah Podcasts
Believe it or not, the first podcast we ever recorded never made the cut, in fact about three have never seen the light of day.…
Five ways to gain new skills in your career
It is true what they say, learning doesn’t end the moment you leave school. In fact, I found the opposite to be true. We are…
“Exercise Saved me”: My Mental Health Journey
I have suffered from mental health issues for as long as I can remember. Even in primary school, I just found life too overwhelming. What…
Life after Death: What Healed the Loss of my Father
Bismillah. Writing this I feel internally conflicted. Do I really want to share what was some of the most difficult months for me? The time…
Muslim Men, Mental health, and the pressure of expected masculinity
As I was scrolling through Twitter on the weekend, I came across the tragic news of a suicide in the Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah. The…
Open the doors of healing: Healthy healing after an abusive relationship
Whether it is coercion, control, physical violence or verbal abuse, we can all comprehend the plight of the survivor and their need for advice; their…
There’s No Shame In Seeking Help For Your Mental Health
As someone who has always struggled with anxiety, but has only recently accepted it for what it is – it took a long time for…
The Forgotten Sunnah we all need to practise in a fast paced world
To say I had a poor Ramadan would be an understatement. A combination of sleep deprivation, dehydration, stress, stretched workloads whilst feebly attempting to rekindle…
To The Non-White Potential Oxbridge Applicants
note: – the term BME used in this article is based on UK terminology to refer to members of non-white British communities (who this article…
Hijabs, Prayer and Alcohol; Islam In the Corporate World
I’m a Black Muslim Woman working in a predominantly white secular corporate environment where being a practicing woman of faith has proved to not come…
How to make an all-natural herbal salve in 4 steps
Make an all-natural herbal salve that can soothe minor grazes, scratches, insect bites and patches of dry skin. Please note that this article does not replace…
Taffakur: Purposeful reflection will lead us to Allah
Allah has given human beings the capability of thinking and reasoning. It is this ability which makes humans different from animals and enables them with…
12 Questions with Rapper Neelam Hakeem: Misogynistic Hip-Hop, modesty, and subverting rap culture
Neelam Hakeem is a Seattle born, multi-talented spoken word poet, former medical claims analyst, mother, rapper, and fierce advocate of women’s rights. The rapper moved…
I believe Black people need their own United Nations
Black people need an international body operating on a global scale that delivers what Malcolm outlined in his basic unity program. Black people need a…