The call to prayer to be broadcast on BBC Local Radio

By Amaliah Team

With many from the Muslim community unable to visit local mosques due to their temporary closure amid the coronavirus crisis, BBC radio have taken the…

Amaliah art class, are you coming? Join @thislakshmi online!

By Selina Bakkar

View this post on Instagram I’m teaching an online workshop next Saturday 4th April @12.30 GMT with @amaliah_com It’s a closed zoom session with time…


TWO SENSE; Covid-19 and Capitalism, Isolated Worship + Becoming School Teachers

By The Amaliah Podcast

Welcome back to our fortnightly Two Sense series, in which Selina, Nafisa + Sara,  hit the roundtable to put their two cents on 4 subjects they’d each like to…

Storing fresh fruit and veg better to last longer

By Selina Bakkar

We were raised in a home which reminded us not to waste food, my father always points to the random grain of rice that finds…

Verses in the Quran that show me “Fa Inni Qareeb”, Allah is near…

By Shanza

Hardships are destined for us all in this life. As slaves of Allah we know that we will be tested- Allah reminds us of this…

Amaliah Nights In is going online

By Amaliah Team

We’re bringing you Amaliah Nights In online – last year we launched the series with our sold-out event bringing you together over some chilled vibes…

The Power of Movement: Get moving!

By Ashiya Mendheria

  Much of women’s fitness information on the social media world does very little for the health and wellbeing of women. This might be an…


Amaliah Launches A Brand New Daily Podcast Series For The Coronavirus Crisis

By The Amaliah Podcast

Hey everyone! Welcome to Amaliah works from home! Selina, Nafisa and Sara have decided to stream their daily morning meetings where they check in with…

The UK government’s current response to coronavirus has been classist, ableist, and elitist

By Afia Ahmed Chaudhry

Officially declared a pandemic on 11th March 2020 by the World Health Organisation, as of today, the Coronavirus has claimed the lives of approximately 5,500…

Intending to Bloom: “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature”

By Marwa Koker

  I sat cross-legged on the floor, poised and aligned, exhaling as I made room for the words that were about to position its new-found…


Motherhood isn’t For Everyone: Honouring the Diversity of the Female Experience

By Fatima Ahdash

The BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme placed a spotlight on an important, highly emotive and (therefore) controversial topic: the mothers who regret deciding to have children.…

The Importance of Recognising the Socio-Economic Context for women on requesting their god given financial rights

By Fatima Ahdash

Over the last couple of days Muslim Twitter, and more specifically British Muslim Twitter, has been engulfed in yet another round of (the seemingly endless)…


This book is honouring the work of ‘Aisha (RA) – Here’s our interview with author Nuriddeen Knight

By Amaliah Team

You may have already heard the buzz around the 40 Hadith of our Mother ‘Aisha (ra), but you’ve got an interview with the author here first!…

Dr. Amra Bone: The UK’s First Female Sharia Council Judge

By Amaliah Team

With an estimated 30 Shariah courts around the UK according to a study conducted in 2012 in Reading the BBC reported, and the number rising to…

Could you help to reclaim the history of Malcolm X’s time with Muslims in Britain?

By Amaliah Team

As the fifty-fifth anniversary of Malcolm X’s assassination passes, Everyday Muslim has made an appeal to Muslims in Britain and worldwide to help document Malcolm…

The books that helped me before and after marriage

By Mahin Ibrahim

The book, Attached by Dr. Amir Levine and Rachel Heller is the reason why I married my husband. Otherwise, like most of my relationships, I…

3 Books that helped me bring my whole Muslim Self to existence

By Amaliah Team

Practicing faith in increasingly secular spaces is something that many of us have to grapple with, whether through work, university and student activism in political…

Decolonise your child’s book shelf with books featuring Black Muslim characters

By Black Muslim Forum

Creating an environment where an individual feels accepted and seen begins young, it begins at the fingertips of young hands flicking through books and playing…


A personal listening guide to the Amaliah Podcast

By Sara

Hey everyone! I thought I’d put together a personal listening guide to the Amaliah Podcast for you since we’ve taken off on lots of exciting…

47% of Muslim women have encountered Islamophobia and discrimination in the workplace, new report finds

By Amaliah Team

Muslim Women Connect (MWC), who run a mentoring programme to help Muslim women develop their careers has launched a 60-page report titled ‘Empowered Employment: Unlocking…

15 Top travel tips from the Amaliah community

By Amaliah Team

Each fortnight we put out a poll to the Amaliah Instagram community with the aim to find better answers for all of life’s obstacles, ideas for…


Two Sense; The Muslim Blogger Blueprint, Us vs. Media + Embracing The Ordinary Life

By The Amaliah Podcast

Welcome back to our fortnightly Two Sense series, in which Selina, Nafisa + Sara,  hit the roundtable to put their two cents on 4 subjects they’d each like to…

Hustles + Hobbies: pole fitness with Neda @hijabiluscious

By Nafisa Bakkar

At Amaliah, we’ve started a series talking to women who are championing the art of hobbies. We’ve spoken to Esra Alhamal about the art of…

How to stay happy for others when you’re struggling to get ahead

By Amaliah Anonymous

Being a Muslim woman in Britain in the 21st Century is far from straightforward. We’re adamantly instructed to stay away from the evil glare of…

Amaliah Free Media Training Programme – apply now!

By Amaliah Team

  Over the last 4 years, Amaliah has worked to create space online and offline for Muslim women to come together with the aim to…

Why we need to stop saying “that’s not Islam, it’s culture”. It doesn’t solve the problem

By The Petty Muslimah

A few weeks ago I came forward to write about why I refuse to cook for my brother-in-law. The article clearly split the likes of…

Will it always hurt like the first time? A Muslimah’s journey with dyspareunia

By Ayesha Nasir

A few days before my wedding, a family member I love asked me if I had any questions about being physically intimate. She told me…

The importance of hydration and how to “eat” your water

By Ashiya Mendheria

Water is a miraculous substance essential for life. Nothing can satisfy our thirst in the way a plain, cool glass of water can. Making up…

Are we engaging with our mosques enough?

By Amaliah Anonymous

When was the last time you went to the mosque? Ramadan right? You’re a seasonal mosque visitor like a lot of us. When you do…

So life didn’t go to plan…

By Saima Vohra

I remember when I used to sit round in a circle with my friends at secondary school over many lunchtimes mapping out our lives. We…

The appeal court rules a Nikah has no legal standing in British law

By Selina Bakkar

The court of appeal in England has ruled that a nikah is not valid under English law, the judgment was delivered on Friday the 14th…

lights on

Your Sex Q’s Answered on Episode 4 of Lights On, With Angelica Lindsey-Ali

By The Amaliah Podcast

Sex, intimacy and female pleasure within the context of Islam. These aren’t all too often talked about subjects within the muslim community. So we’ve brought…

Life lessons from the Amaliah community

By Amaliah Team

We took to Instagram at the begining of February to invite the Amaliah community to share their advice with other sisters in the community, there’s…

The Trauma of Motherhood

By Zainab bint Younus

Motherhood is so beautiful, women are told, even before they have become women. Motherhood is what we are meant for. Motherhood is part and parcel…


The Responsibility of the Steward

By Zahrah Vawda

The Steward I started 2020 on a plane. With my awareness of the negative effects of air travel on the environment, especially during our current…

Coming Home as a Black Muslim- my full circle moment

By Na’ima Robert

This feels like a full-circle moment. When I first starting thinking about becoming a Muslim, over 20 years ago, I was a student at university.…