Fajr has been trending on Twitter, here’s what you’re sharing

By Amaliah Team

Ramadan 2020, May 1, 2020. We like to capture certain moments on Twitter to look back at in a few month’s time, so really this is…

Short read: How I use mind mapping to plan my duas for Ramadan

By Taskeen Jamal

As part of my preparations for Ramadan this year, I decided to spend some time focusing on my dua, and defining what it is I…

Eid Sweet treats inspo 2020

By Amaliah Sponsored

With the sunny bank holiday ahead, some of us maybe will be keen to head to the park to relax, sunbathe or have a picnic,…

Easy Eid Bake with kids – Physical Distancing, Spiritually Connecting

By Amaliah Sponsored

While we won’t be having huge family gatherings as we continue social distancing, you can spread the love by dropping off biscuits to neighbours (of…

Eid Home Decoration Crafting Ideas – Physical Distancing, Spiritually Connecting

By Amaliah Sponsored

With Eid around the corner, many of us will be staying at home to do our part in helping to control the virus. Some of…

Mini Reminders: Rethinking the importance of What Zakat Can Look Like

By Furqan Mohamed

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world are conscious of their faith, particularly how it relates to the world around them. Apart…

Justice and Ethics in a capitalistic world: How your spending affects the rich and poor of the world

By Sheeza Shah

Today, accumulated wealth sits in a small number of pockets around the world and the gap between the rich and the poor has widened. More…

Acknowledging Structural Anti-Shi’ism in Sunnī Dominant Spaces

By Hoda Katebi

Truthfully, it was not until rather recently that I really was able to understand the extent and prevalence of anti-Shia bias in the many spaces,…

Aya Hachem, the Muslim student who became the victim in a drive by shooting in Blackburn

By Amaliah Team

This article has been further edited on the 20th of May to reflect recent tweets and information on the incident. We have also chosen tweets…

3 things to do on Eid – Physical distancing, spiritually connecting

By Amaliah Sponsored

It’s been a different Ramadan for us all this year, and hopefully a once in a lifetime moment. While the lockdown has brought a number…


Two Sense; Muslim Women + The Graveyard Dilemma, Greenhouse Houses + Youtube Islam

By The Amaliah Podcast

Welcome back to our fortnightly Two Sense series, in which Selina, Nafisa + Sara,  hit the roundtable to put their two cents on 4 subjects…

Hazara Community Kabul, Afghanistan targeted- Shia Muslim mothers and newborns killed at maternity ward

By Selina Bakkar

In a senseless attack in Kabul, Afghanistan around three gunmen disguised as police attacked a maternity ward based in a predominantly Hazara community in a neighborhood…

Desserts for the novice and expert to try this Eid

By Selina Bakkar

A spot of baking? I can’t bear the thought but I’ve been summoned to bring dessert for the family Eid party! My pineapple idea has…


Episode 2 of Amaliah Nights in has just dropped on the Amaliah Podcast

By The Amaliah Podcast

Salaam everyone! Welcome to our brand new series on the Amaliah podcast! Throughout 2020 Amaliah will be hosting  ‘Nights In’ events for our Amaliah community…


Digital Deeds – 9 Projects to donate to this Ramadan on LaunchGood

By Amaliah Team

LaunchGood is filled with projects that are changing the world, from helping Muslims get an education to ensuring food and hygiene is delivered in areas…

Raising money online for charity this Ramadan – A 7 point guide

By Amaliah Team

As we enter the last 10 days of the blessed month of Ramadan, perhaps now is the time for our hours of scrolling on social…

A small gentle reminder to myself to keep going this Ramadan

By Yasmin

“By the morning brightness, And by the night when it covers with darkness, Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become displeased,” – {Surah Ad-Duha…


Not able to do I’tikaf at the masjid? 11 tips on I’tikaf at home

By Maha Sultan

Bismillah I’tikaf is an Islamic practice consisting of a period of staying in a Mosque, or at home, for a certain number of days, devoting…

Ramadan Covid-19 Diaries: A mother stranded in another country, away from her 7 children

By Brooke Benoit

This article was originally published on AboutIslam.net by Brooke Benoit. We share this with permission from Brooke in the hope the right person sees this…

amaliah anthology

The Amaliah Anthology; Turning Your Favourite Articles into your favourite podcast series

By The Amaliah Podcast

Hey everyone! We thought it was about time that we turn some of our most read pieces over on Amaliah.com into some of our most…

4 books written by Muslim Women, read and reviewed

By Amaliah Anonymous

I am going to introduce you to Four Fabulous Fiction Novels by Muslim Women! If you’re looking for something that isn’t about marriage/family drama/romance/friendship struggles/hilarious…

Suhoor, the often ignored sister of Iftar – We want to hear your #SuhoorStories2020

By Aliyah Hasinah

It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:…

30 Deeds for 30 Days this ramadan from The Amaliah Community

By Amaliah Team

This article is sponsored* by National Zakat Foundation UK (NZF), find out more about their work and how they are transforming your local Muslim communities…

30 Days, 30 Short Amaliah Reads to fill pockets of your time this Ramadan

By Amaliah Team

This article is sponsored* by LaunchGood  “The most beloved deeds to Allah are those done regularly even if it is little” This year you can…

We asked you to help a sis out who’s away from family this Ramadan and here’s what you shared

By Amaliah Team

When we are stuck and in need of inspiration we always turn to the Amaliah Community on Instagram. You all always have some gems and wisdom…

3 Mamas tell us how they will be spending their Lockdown Ramadan with their children

By Amaliah Team

This article is sponsored by Anafiya Gifts, find out more about their children’s books and gifts here We are in uncharted territory this Ramadan, for…

Dear Ramadan, Ramadan my friend…

By Sarah Yataghane

Dear Ramadan, Ramadan my friend. I woke this morning with a feeling of quiet and calm-  – have you noticed the sound of the birds…


Two Sense; the Muslim Blogger Blueprint, Us Vs. Media + Embracing the Ordinary Life

By The Amaliah Podcast

Welcome back to our fortnightly Two Sense series, in which Selina, Nafisa + Sara,  hit the roundtable to put their two cents on 4 subjects they’d each like to…

Stewards of the Earth: Preparing for a green Ramadan

By Hinna Sheikh

Written for Ramadan 2019 Sustainability and the environment have been on my mind a lot recently. After reading some articles on Amaliah about ethical fashion,…

Do you know the dua for breaking your fast? Here are printables to keep in sight

By Selina Bakkar

We’ve rounded up a few printables available on Etsy mainly to have in your home or work-place to help remind you of the dua for…

Book Review – That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story

By Heraa Hashmi

“The thing I most want readers to take away from this story is that Muslims are not a monolith. And while writing this book has…

Reaping the fruits of Ramadan whilst Menstruating

By Sara Alattar

Having that time of the month during Ramadan often arouses mixed feelings: relief, frustration, or disappointment. We might be ready to take a fasting vacation,…


Getting ready for Ramadan….Beyond stockpiling the freezer! 

By Taskeen Jamal

With two weeks to go before the start of Ramadan, I began some planning for this special month of mercy and forgiveness. Planning involving taking actions to be…

Tiny acts of Ibadah to do from your kitchen top

By Selina Bakkar

As a diaspora, the story of the margarine tub has done the rounds, right? The surprise lasagne or cake sitting in the faded tub? I’m…

#AnythingIsBetterThanNothing – the campaign started by an A&E doctor urging PPE donations

By Amaliah Team

As key workers still face having to go into work without adequate Personal Protective equipment, Dr Lamis Latif, a GP and A&E urgent care doctor…

Anxiety, faith, and God: Let our reliance on Allah not be only when we are troubled

By Nazish Minhas

‘Then do you remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and reject not Faith’ (2:152)  I have a special connection with one…