We want to hear about your views on representation and advertising
We want to hear from the Amaliah community about your views on representation and advertising specifically about the December holiday period. Amaliah are working together…
WFH Podcast; Covid-19, an era of progress or regress?
*Trigger Warning* Please note that this article contains sensitive material pertaining to the covid-19 crisis and child marriages. This time last year, no-one anticipated that…
The Secret Life of a Muslim in Lockdown: Living with my Chinese family
Assiah Hamed conducted this interview and Adam* has been used to give anonymity How one person’s account of secretly practicing Islam in a Chinese…
Celebration alone: A gift from the most high, a gift of belonging
The first day of Eid ul- Adha 2020 the temperature hit a scorching 34 degrees celsius. My house is something like a greenhouse, it seems…
WFH Podcast; Embracing the seasons to come…
We’re nearing the end of August, and that annual kerfuffle of figuring out whether to risk not wearing a coat in case it drops 10…
Me, myself, my mother and our strained relationship
O Messenger of Allah! Who is most deserving of my fine treatment? He PBUH said, “Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your…
How Motherhood Nearly Broke Me and my expectations versus reality conflicted
Motherhood didn’t go to plan in the beginning. It all started with my labour. Alhamdulilah, I had a pretty straightforward pregnancy. No morning sickness. Minimal…
Life lessons I learned from my father after losing my mother
On the third anniversary of my dear mother’s passing, my father told me that I was his best friend. I’m the youngest of 5 siblings.…
Home Girls Unite: The support group that helps eldest immigrant daughters
As the eldest daughter, we know that the big sister role doesn’t disappear when all of our siblings are no longer in nappies. We saw…
Stories of our grandparents will be lost so I decided to interview my Grandmother
Alhamdulilah, I have been quite lucky in that I have met all of my grandparents and have met four of my great grandparents. Many don’t…
An exploration of coming of age in a Hijab: Hijab is a worthwhile struggle
When I was getting used to wearing a Hijab my brother gave me a book called ‘Does my head look big in this?’ by Australian…
Coffee and Islamic Society in the fifteenth century: the beverage used to enhance religious worship
In the twenty-first century, coffee is consumed universally for leisure and energy-inducing purposes. According to the British Coffee Association, two billion cups of coffee around…
Exploring my South Asian heritage and history through food memories
During South Asian heritage month, I naively self-nominated for a piece in the staff newsletter where I work at a group of east London NHS…
How postpartum weight gain affected my connection to salah and my spirituality
The views expressed in this article and all articles published on Amaliah.com are that of the contributor. Gaining weight after giving birth is the by-product…
WFH Podcast; How to live a life of Ihsaan post-lockdown
It’s been some time since the lockdown restrictions here in the UK eased up, allowing some to cautiously re-emerge from their homes back into what…
Navigating the journey towards your truest self as a Muslim woman amongst cultural expectations
You ask me what I am doing these days as if the answer is implied Expectation hungry, I can sense the glimmer of anticipation in…
A short letter To All the Boys I Did Not Marry
Dear Boys, To the health professional who decided that a fifteen-minute conversation was enough to determine my suitability to be his wife. I am…
revelations of abusive behaviour towards women highlights how deeply embedded misogyny is structurally, in all communities.
On June 26th, British comedian Tez Ilyas’ admission on Twitter about his “unacceptable” behaviour towards women for his “own personal gratification”, came as a surprise…
Sexual violence is a spiritual issue — an open letter to Faith community leaders.
Trigger Warning: This article is of a sensitive nature and looks at sexual violence against women and men Dear Faith Community Leader, Sexual violence is…
Two Sense Podcast; The limiting nature of labels and when you need to ditch them
How many have you taken the Myers Briggs test and clung to friends and careers through those 4 initials ascribed to you? We navigate life…
Don’t write off your year, come and reset & reflect at our Amaliah event!
We recently spoke about how cancel culture got us writing off 2020, now its been unexpected, difficult for some, and different for many if not…
Advice on sex and intimacy for Muslim women: Sexiness and Self Worth, Sex Games, Talking Dirty + Having a sex life While living with your in-laws
We love producing our podcasts and take pride in the listening experience we’re able to provide for the Amaliah community and beyond, but we want…
Advice on sex and intimacy for Muslim women: Oral Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Consent + Tasting Good
We love producing our podcasts and take pride in the listening experience we’re able to provide for the Amaliah community and beyond, but we want…
Advice on sex and intimacy for Muslim women: Orgasms, Masturbation, Wedding Night Myths + Hacking Ghusl
We love producing our podcasts and take pride in the listening experience we’re able to provide for the Amaliah community and beyond, but we want…
Advice on sex and intimacy for Muslim women: High Sex Drives, Cultural Expectations, and Submissive Sex
We love producing our podcasts and take pride in the listening experience we’re able to provide for the Amaliah community and beyond, but we…
The Three Most Romantic Words in my marriage are not “I love you”
The first time I heard these three words was as a newlywed. We were meant to be stepping out for a small gathering in our…
The Undeviated Purpose of the Muslim Women Writer Today: Are they getting the attention they deserve?
A great story can awaken tremors in a reader, earmarked just for that occasion. A relatable tale told well, can change a person’s entire point…
Diary of working on the front line: “It’s easy to lose track of time in there, with the lack of clocks and windows.”
Trigger Warning-Important: This article is written about life working at the frontline of the NHS. It describes some aspects of treatment for Covid-19 which may…
The Pearls of Islam album has love as its foundation
Image:@Pearlsofislam The successful duo Sakina & Rabiah, otherwise known as Pearls of Islam released their album #loveismyfoundation in 2019 and Subhan Allah what a beautiful…
Two Sense Podcast; Why are Muslim women opting for non-muslim relationships?
Why are Muslim women opting for non-muslim relationships? It’s too broad of a question to answer in a nutshell, but it’s definitely one that we…
4 Last minute Eid gifts you can make, forage or find
This year I’ve again not planned to buy my Eid gifts, I wanted to avoid one of the major last minute ordering websites that…
Hajj 2020: A Hajj like no other for the select few invited by Allah
Hajj 2020, small, scaled back and limited numbers, all diametrically opposite the descriptions and scenes we’ve witnessed year upon year. It’s very much a unique…
WFH Podcast; The most important journey you’ll ever have to take…
Do you know what your favourite colour is? Maybe you don’t have one, or maybe it changes all the time…but why would that be important…
Beyond The Hajj – A Journey Back To Ourselves and God
Last year, shortly before the beginning of the Hajj, the grand pilgrimage to Makkah and Madinah which a Muslim who is healthy and financially able…
Umrah Reflections: Allah already knew what I had come for
I wanted to keep a day to day diary, noting down my umrah reflections / feelings / thoughts. As soon as my parents and I…
WFH Podcast; Can’t keep a morning routine? It could be because of your Infradian rhythm
How often have you head the term, ‘body clock’? When you have, it is more than likely it’s referring to something called your circadian rhythm,…
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