amaliah on hijab

Hijaab is only acceptable when co-opted by a very western notion of femininity

By Mariya bint Rehan

This article was published in 2018 by Amaliah “Representation matters” is the maxim of our time, but what does this mean for veiled Muslim women…

Amaliah book review

Book Review: ‘Rekiya and Z’ by Muti’ah Badruddeen

By Wardah Abbas

A Busy Novel That Mirrors The Lives of Everyday Muslim Women It’s Monday. I have moved my work desk into my bedroom because it’s warmer…

Amaliah Al Aqsa

Al-Aqsa and Its signs: my reflections and remembrance

By Assia Hamdi

Planning this trip to Palestine had been an ongoing process since I had begun whilst studying the conflict. Little did I know that the trip…

amaliah soul

The Truman Show: A short Letter To A Distracted Traveller

By Soukeyna Osei-Bonsu

What is happening behind the shroud of matter? If you have watched the film The Truman Show you will have observed that all the actors…

A look at ‘Motherless Daughters’ by Hope Edelman and a candid reflection of losing my mother

By Mariam Vakani

Six months after my mother’s passing, I was sitting on the steps of the student centre with a friend whose mother had cancer. We talked…

How I went from only praying fajr to praying five times a day

By Abeni Adeyemi

Fajr. This Salah was the shortest one and the one that seemed the easiest to pray: two Rakahs, two Surat-Al Fatihas, two of any other…


The fight against fake news – 6 tips to follow

By Yani Hernandez Rana

We are currently in the middle of a global pandemic. COVID-19 is a serious disease which has claimed over 40,000 lives and infected over 800,000…

Why Labelling Muslim Women as “Modern” is a sign of our colonial hangover

By Anmol irfan

Muslim, Feminist, Woman.  Modern, Open-Minded, Liberal. Conservative, Backward, Oppressed.  In a world that’s as fast-paced as ours, I’ve noticed we love labels. Labels allow us…

Lessons from Prophet Adam (AS) Fasting from the World

By Rabia Christine Brodbeck

I wanted to write something on fasting and this beautiful holy month we find ourselves in but I couldn’t help but urgently wish to -rather…

Two Sense Podcast; It’s okay to see your friends once a year

By The Amaliah Podcast

So many of us have had the opportunity to reflect on our relationships during the lockdown period of 2020, as the question of visiting each…

Linking domestic abuse to “extremism” will silence vulnerable women and girls – it’s time we speak up

By Tahira Amatullah

Working on PREVENT for over a decade has shown us that you cannot mix policing with social work. The policy has to go – so…

Mourning lost relationships – realising and reconciling myself with the emotional ramifications

By Amaliah Anonymous

Towards the end of lockdown, I decided to take advantage of my state-permitted time outside and go on a walk every day – I desperately…

Anti-black racism

100 Black British Muslims step forward to share experiences of anti-black racism in and out the muslim community in a report by Black Muslim forum

By Black Muslim Forum

“During Ramadhan my local mosque would usually tell me to pray at the back with other fellow Black Muslims”– Anti-Black racism in the UK ummah…

The Christchurch attack makes me realise: We Need to teach EVERYONE where they come from

By A.H. Duale

Hearing the tragic news about the 50 people murdered in Christchurch,  I decided to look into the callous killer who documented his murder rampage on…

Conservative Hijab

How the Turban Hijab Became a Symbol of the Modern Muslim Woman

By Afia Ahmed Chaudhry

  From a once hidden and repressed vessel of the Orient supposedly waiting to be explored and discovered, to adorning covers of Vogue and defying…

Amaliah presents: Beauty Monologues – in partnership with Dove × Refinery29

By Amaliah Team

How do you see yourself? Have you ever felt beautiful? This article is in partnership with Dove x Refinery29 find out more about their work…

6 ways to look after your mental health when you’re working from home

By Muslim Youth Helpline

Sponsored Post Working from home has its perks, right? Free coffee, working from your bed, perhaps feeling more independent. But it can also present challenges…

Mental Health Awareness: 14 pieces you might have missed

By Amaliah Team

It is mental health awareness week from the 14th to the 20th May, an incredibly important date in our calendar, at Amaliah, as raising awareness…

14 Resources and Initiatives on Black Muslim History- From the UK to USA

By Selina Bakkar

Imagery Source This article is currently being edited by our team and will reflect more resources. Please feel free to email us if you’d like…

5 Ways everyone can advocate for mental health awareness

By Sakinah Kaiser

All Voices Count in the Muslim Mental Health Movement “Your lived experience is needed.” This is part of a quote tweeted by the Depression…

The Brown Hijabi’s resource guide for understanding White Supremacy & Disinvesting from anti-blackness for South Asians and Non-Black POC

By Amaliah Team

As the term “People of Colour” has become more embedded in everyday vocabulary over the years, moments like now show us that there must be…

The Whitewashing of Empire and History Within British Schools

By Asia Khatun

For centuries, British schools have taught children about the glories of Empire, inevitably shaping how generations have grown up to perceive it, the countries it…

On being Somali: Not Black enough, not Muslim enough

By Fahima Hersi

Being a Somali woman in the West is not easy. From trying to explain to the black guy you’ve been sitting next to in class…


Two Sense Podcast; How To Think Like A White Man

By The Amaliah Podcast

Salaam everyone! On this week’s episode of Two Sense on the Amaliah Podcast, Nafisa flags up Nels Abbey’s book ‘Think Like A White Man’ as…

“From here but also… from there too.”: The Conundrum of the Self in writing

By Idman Omar

The best books have always been invoked from varied life experience and a writer’s unique frame of mind. Writers born in the west, often fittingly…

boabab tree

Founder of UpEffect Sheeza Shah: Battling Poverty, Crowdfunding & Conscious Consuming

By Amaliah Team

  Sheeza Shah is the Founder and CEO of UpEffect, a crowdfunding and support platform for companies improving the planet and human lives. UpEffect. “At…

WFH Podcast; Why ‘packaging’ a message is just as important as the message itself.

By The Amaliah Podcast

We already know how important effective communication is. The messages, the products and services we put out into the world fall flat if they aren’t…

Zero Waste September: Top tips to do a little better in recycling

By Amaliah Team

It is Zero Waste Week this week! Taking place from 3-7th September. Zero Waste Week is a grassroots campaign, working toward raising awareness of the environmental…

Missing in plain sight: Who are the Afro-Arabs and where are they in the world?

By Aisha Yusuff

Following the rise of #BlackLivesMatter protests around the world, many non-Black POC with dark skins are questioning the validity of these protests in their communities…


WFH Podcast; Living through a pandemic and an era of social media, when will we know the real world again?

By The Amaliah Podcast

  Do you know how deep the iceberg goes?… We’re 6 months into a pandemic, people have been confined to their homes and only in…

It’s hard being single, but I’ve learned, it’s harder neglecting the potential we hold within ourselves

By Zara Din

It could be argued that Women are complicated creatures who intrigue the minds of every single person they meet. Their parents, teachers, students, colleagues, friends…

My Mosque Story records experiences of Muslim women at the mosque

By Haleema Akhtar

I remember being at a mosque whilst a protest took place and leaving feeling disheartened. In a space where the remembrance of God should have…

Ever Considered writing your own nikah contract? How about a prenup?

By Mahin Ibrahim

Nearly two years ago, my sister and I sat across from her divorce lawyer. It was our first time hiring a lawyer and I had…


Small Talk With Dr. Azeezat Johnson: How Do We Resist And Exist Within White Power Structures?

By The Amaliah Podcast

“There is no conversation about Islamophobia in today’s society without thinking about wider structures of anti-blackness, and how Islamophobia has been built from those…caring for…

small talk podcast

Small Talk With Suhaiymah M. Khan: The Dehumanisation of Muslims and Why Islamophobia isn’t a Phobia

By The Amaliah Podcast

“So we would think that being British is perhaps a citizenship – an identity, that perhaps if you have a passport then you are British…but…

A Two Sense Podcast *special* : “and we made you in pairs” ; Marriage In The Muslim Community

By The Amaliah Podcast

Marriage in the Muslim community. We know, it’s a loaded term these days.  If you’re a regular listener of our fortnightly Two Sense podcast series, in…