Journalling benefits: “For me it is a therapy”

By Seeds of Selma

My journey with journaling started 5 years ago. I experienced some life changes, and with these changes, I found myself feeling often lost, sad, lonely,…

For Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones: Riding the waves of grief

By Zimarina Sarwar

Feeling endless heartbreak after loss is natural, normal and not in opposition to eeman. When it comes to grief, the triggers are everywhere, from a joke…

A Bread Recipe For Real Life that actually worked for me!

By Aiysha Malik

  Can we take a moment to talk about baking bread at home? The ultimate in homemade comfort, nothing will make you seem more like…


Truths to tell my daughter about her period and body

By Chantal Blake

Women are often inadequately taught about their bodies, and the older I get the more frustrating I find this problem. The piecemeal education we receive from…

Quick looks: The wooden mosque of Kruszyniany, Poland

By Israa Abid

  The diversity of Islam can be seen in our beautiful architecture and places of worship around the world; this week we are looking at…

9 Mood boosting tips that work for me, from de-cluttering to getting creative!

By Maria Dee

(Please note these are not substitutes for those of us who may need professional support and diagnosis for mental health illnesses. These are tips on…

Parenting in a Pandemic: Heartfelt advice from one mother to other Muslim parents

By Mariya bint Rehan

We all remember where we were, not so much when we first heard about it—another respiratory virus occurring on the fringes of our geographical existence—but…

6 Evidence Based Study Hacks That Will Help You Study Better

6 Evidence Based Study Hacks That will help you study

By Humairah Kapadia

Studying and learning is hard and can be tedious. I get it.  I’ve been there- with countless days of having little to no motivation to…

11 Self-Care tips and habits for PMS symptoms

By Ashiya Mendheria

Watch our short video on Ashiya’s article here: View this post on Instagram PMS IS NOT A LIE 📣 – Here are 6 of 11…

Spirituality & Social Media: 6 points to consider on being ‘famous’ and Muslim

By Shazia Ahmad

This article was originally published on Al Madina Institute, with the contributors permission we have published it on Amaliah In our day and age it…

50 books: What’s on bookshelves and library borrow lists in the Amaliah community?

By Amaliah Team

We asked the Amaliah community what their recommended reads for the year ahead were. We’ve seen some favs, some new recommendations and many have been…

Does reflecting on the beauty of the dunya bring you closer or nearer to Allah?

By Wardah Abbas

As a child, one of the most amazing things I discovered about myself was my deep love for beauty. I never for one moment failed…


Grieving in the Prophet’s Mosque

By Anousha Vakani

I have something to say. I think that’s fairly obvious, considering that I’ve taken pen to paper, fingers to keyboard. I backspace fifty times, the…

Table for One: In Praise of Solitude

By Humairah

“By no means all people who live their lives in the absence of company are lonely, while it is possible to experience acute loneliness while…


The Source of all being: the search for reality…the search for God

By Siddiqa Yusuf

Bismillah – In the Name of God. I present this here as a letter of sorts, written to the ones who are in search of…


The Forgotten Art of Reading: An English Teacher’s Guide

By Susan Alnajafi

During the excavation of a sanctuary in ancient Pyrgi, Italy during 1964, three gold plates that date back to 500 BC were found. Although two…

What C.S. Lewis taught me about spirituality and struggle

By Hiba Noor Khan

We all have them. Days and nights, perhaps weeks and months even, during which we feel disillusioned, dejected, numb. When that flame of spirituality and…

Book review: Agenda to change our condition

By Milly Parvin

‘Agenda to change our condition’ is written by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid Shakir. It acts as a physical item of the “Zaytuna approach”…


Letters to Your Younger Self: Your Religion Is Not Your Conflict

By Amaliah Anonymous

Dear younger self, I know you often look in the mirror and wonder who you are. I know you spend countless hours online, searching for…

On losing a dear friend suddenly…reflections on loss and life

By Amaliah Anonymous

The way life can change instantly is hard to comprehend sometimes. We tend to go through the motions of everyday life and within a split…

Letters to Your Younger Self: Don’t Aspire to Meet the Aspirations of Others

By Amaliah Anonymous

Dear Younger Self, You are enough. You’re seventeen and about to start university. Despite achieving what you have, you remain resentful of yourself. You’re in…

Letters to my Daughter

By Hiba Noor Khan

“you see your face. you see a flaw. how. if you are the only one who has this face.” Nayyirah Waheed ‘Beautiful’ is a word…

2021: The year to invest in yourself with the Amaliah × Enrol Yourself Bursary

By Huddlecraft

This article is in partnership with Enrol Yourself. Amaliah has partnered to offer two full bursaries to women of colour in the Amaliah community. Back…


Beautiful Patience: “Sabr is to always be kinder than how you feel”

By Chaimaa El

*In this article, Chaimaa addresses the concept of Sabr and how, as Muslims, we should work to implement this within our lives. By providing an…

How to read and becoming a reader: 10 Tips for the journey

By Zara Choudhary

“The ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive.” Malcolm X   When my first daughter was born, there…

Finding meaning in motherhood during Lockdown

By Mariya bint Rehan

As we bear witness to the profoundly humbling phenomena of the world coming to a screeching halt at the behest of a microscopic entity – …

Minorities in Education Interviews: What was your experience like?

By Amaani Master

Sometimes you don’t realise how accustomed you have become to a certain lifestyle until you are plonked into a totally different one. The environment and…

Dismantling Racial prejudice in society, from education to media

By Najat Jebari

The dismantling of racial prejudice is both a complex and intricate process. Not only does it require a review of institutional systems and policing methods,…

Two teenagers start a non-profit organisation to increase books with female Muslim characters in libraries

By The Girls of Crescent

Mena and Zena Nasiri, aged 14 and 16 respectively are two American Muslim girls from Michigan who love to read but found themselves struggling to…

Mothers in our community: Rest + Restore at our Soul Session!

By Amaliah Team

“I advise everyone to attend because it is empowering and refreshing…attending made me feel like I wasn’t alone in this world.” – previous Soul Session…

In Conversation with Salma El-Wardany: Misogyny, Heritage, & Body Positivity

By Amaliah Team

Welcome to’s ‘In Conversation With’ series! We’ll be inviting Muslim women on social media from across industries and across the world to have some interesting conversations…

Time: Treat time well so it can treat you well too

By Zeinab Sulemani

Time, the preciousness of time. As one embarks on a new life journey as a middle-aged woman, time has become of the essence as in…

Ultimately, the place for dunya is in the hands, our hearts are reserved for a higher purpose

By Zainab Ahmad

I remember climbing into bed at around 11PM on December 31st, 2019. I didn’t do anything remarkable that night, I wasn’t really celebrating the beginning…

Book review: Permanent Record, by Edward Snowden

By Amaliah Anonymous

Published by Pan Macmillan in September 2019, Permanent Record is Edward Snowden’s life story. Discussing his childhood, the early days of the internet, and the…

Amaliah Presents: Notes from Nature – In Partnership With Dove × Refinery29

By Amaliah Team

This article is in partnership with Dove x Refinery29 find out more about their work here* Taking time to nurture ourselves, the earth and those around…

Muslim women, Financial Rights and Financial Fitness: How healthy are your finances?

By Uneesa Zaman

With more women than ever before obtaining a university education, and going on to excel in the world of work, Muslim women are leading the…