book on Palestine

On Palestine: 10 Fiction and Non-Fiction Book Recommendations

By Yara Yaghi

Bookstagrammer Yara Yaghi has curated a list of books on Palestine which are both in Arabic and English. We have shared a few of the…

A 16 Point Guide On How To Get Paid Your Worth As A Person Of Color

By Nafisa Bakkar

  *by large companies. Last week, actresses Gabrielle Union and Gina Rodriguez came together to speak about how as women of color they were consistently…

24 Questions to ask your potential spouse about finances and money management

By Amaliah Team

We already have our list of 53 questions to ask your potential spouse. We thought it was time to get into the particulars, in this edition…

#SaveBrickLane from social cleansing

By Dr Fatima Rajina

Brick Lane. The very name of this lane conjures images of curry houses, beigel shops and the famous Brick Lane Mosque. At the south end…

5 Steps to Becoming More Financially Responsible

By Uneesa Zaman

I’ve been a student (a pennywise student at that), I’ve lost money, I’ve gained money, invested money (wisely and some less so) and throughout it…

Our abuse of the earth is a reflection of our internal state

By Hiba Noor Khan

Asthma. Obesity. Cancer. Depression. Advances in industry and technology have manifested in the phenomenon we call ‘diseases of civilization’, and they go far deeper than…

amaliah piano

Busra Kayikci: On finding her identity as a music composer

By Amaliah Team

Büşra Kayıkçı is a composer and designer from Istanbul, Turkey. Busra took over our Instagram and invited us to understand her passion and career for…

books piled

On My Bookshelf: The 40 Rules of Love Book Review

By Zaima Khaliq

Two parallel narratives, both enthralling stories of LOVE. One, a contemporary love story entwining man and woman. The other, an ancient tale of kinship between…

Hustles + Hobbies: Islamic Illumination with Esra Alhamal

By Rosalind Marshall

At Amaliah, we’ve started a series talking to women who are championing the art of hobbies. We’ve spoken to Azeezat Adeola about mindfulness in knitting…

Shackled to Motherhood: On The Pressure to Have Children as a Muslim Woman

By M B

  I don’t think I want to have kids.   I’m waiting for the elusive switch to click. The maternal one, the one where you…

10 Things You Can Do To Show Solidarity with Palestine

By Amaliah Team

With the situation in Palestine worsening every day, people on the ground have called for global action to show solidarity with Palestinians and to amplify…

open book on desk

My Journey with Infertility

By Amaliah Anonymous

As a doctor, I knew the statistics were on my side when it came to getting pregnant. I was 28, and in good health, with…

MFest 2021: The Muslim Cultural Festival of the Year Launching This Weekend

By Amaliah Team

  Anti-racism struggles, Young Adult literature, the future of cinema…if any of these topics sparked your interest, then we have the perfect event for you!…

lagman noodles

The Uyghur Diaspora: “Anything we do to keep our culture alive is a form of resistance…”

By Hana Manadath

Hana Manadath profiles four individuals fighting to keep Uyghur culture alive through food and fashion as well as those doing advocacy work to bring further…

hot air balloon in sky

Transcendence through Religion and Drugs: The Importance of Re-evaluating Intentions

By Shaheen Sardar

Scrolling through your social media feed, it’s very likely that you will come across a number of posts by Muslim pages, groups and individuals encouraging…

garden party

What’s your outdoor Eid vibe like?

By Selina Bakkar

We love a good Eid inspo post here at Amaliah to get us in the mood for that Eid munch and let’s be honest, the…

A list of UK Mosques open for Eid Salah for Muslim Women

By Amaliah Team

This list has been compiled by My Mosque Story and Muslimah App. This list was last updated at 11:50 on 12th May 2021. Eid is…

They reminded me to remind you of it’s beauty-Reflections on the Al-Aqsa

By Shaheen Munshi

Originally published in 2019 Many of us may not be aware that Masjid al Aqsa is the third holiest site for Muslims after Masjid al-Haram…

Healing through prayer and patience

By Rashida James-Saadiya

“ The only darkness we should allow into our lives is the night, and even then we have the moon.” – Warsan Shire Learning to be…

Classic Eid crafts to make or print from @Sweet Fajr

By Selina Bakkar

Source: Sweetfajr Every year there’s always something new in the crafts and printables space online and we love it, we will be sharing them through Ramadan…

Mosque tour series: Old Kent road run by the Nigerian community

By Hirra Khan Adeogun

Originally written in 2018 Whilst most mosques I’ve been to do not have a woman’s section we embarked on a journey in Ramadan to visit…


Reflecting enables us to acknowledge and honour what we’ve been through

By Raghad Altikriti

The past two years have forced many of us to overdo reflection as many of us spend more time at home. Taking time to pause…


A list of over 100 UK Mosques open for Taraweeh this Ramadan for Muslim Women

By Ta Collective

This list has been compiled by My Mosque Story who encourage you to visit the website of the mosque or give them a call prior to…

Black Women & Online Dating: An Unmatch Made in Heaven?

By Amatullah A. Shaw

Even before quarantine began, Muslims flocked to Halal dating apps to look for a spouse. I’ve heard from many friends and friends of friends who…

Why Copenhagen Should be at the Top of Your Travel List

By Zinah Nur Sharif

I know what you’re thinking: a travel recommendation in the middle of a pandemic, has she been living under a rock? But hear me out.…

The importance of documenting Muslim women in history and now: Honouring the Leadership Legacy of Queen Amina of Zaria

By Wardah Abbas

Recent developments concerning the unearthing of women figures in Muslim history have shown the importance of documenting the histories of Muslim women of the past…

How We can amplify our duas by learning Allah’s names

By Afshan Iqbal

“And Allah’s names are the best names, so call on Him and leave those who violate the sanctity of His Names. They shall be recompensed…

How to talk to your kids about not watching the new Mulan movie

By Aiysha Malik

Article originally published here …Or How To Unpack The Experience If You’ve Already Seen It. It’s not the way you expected it to go. After…

Loving yourself is loving Allah, why self care is an ibadah

By Noshin Bokth

  “So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?” (55:38). Your heart and corporeal self, are among the myriad of Allah’s favors…


How to pray Tahajjud and the benefits of this beautiful prayer

By Amaliah Team

The importance of Tahajjud is reiterated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, his companions and their successors. To pray while…

How to make noodles and ravioli from scratch without a pasta maker or pasta flour

By Nafisa Bakkar

Making noodles and pasta from scratch is probably one of the ultimate love of labour recipes you can do, between the hours of resting, intense…

Short reflection: The Importance of Sincere Intentions

By Mahmoudat Sanni-Oba

Imagine spending a month on a piece of coursework you wanted to get a distinction in only to get zero. Picture the pain and the…

30 Deeds for 30 Days of Ramadan and beyond

By Amaliah Team

This article is sponsored by Islamic Relief UK, find out more about their work. One of the most beneficial aspects of Ramadan is being able…

What can we do this Ramadan for loved ones we have lost?

By Amaliah Team

What can we do for our loved ones that have passed away? This is one of the first questions we ask ourselves in moments of…


The ultimate booklist for every Muslim ‘book collector’ and book reader – 96 Books to read

By Selina Bakkar

So, I spent yet another weekend rearranging my books for the umpteenth time, during the London lockdown*. Looking through my collection prompted me to think…


Conscious about consumption? Here’s how to have a waste free Ramadan and life

By Anisah Osman Britton

If Al Khaliq, The Creator, has created all of this world and the life upon it, shouldn’t we strive to protect it? By trying to…